About Cobberdogs
Why would you want an Australian Cobberdog, you may ask.
An Australian Cobberdog is great for anyone who is lonely, needs emotional support, needs comforted, needs a service companion, needs a therapy companion, or just wants the best pet you can find. The Australian Cobberdog’s gentle personallity is most remarkable. The Australian Cobberdog is excellent with infants, toddlers, seniors, and every age between! The Australian Cobberdog wants to please you, and has a desire to make and hold eye contact with you. They have a way of looking so deeply into your eyes, it is like they are reading your mind. These dogs have a deep emotional connection with their human family. The Australian Cobberdog is affectionate, loyal, smart, trainable, and will happily work for you as a service or therapy partner if you need him for this assitance. See the story of Ollie below that showes how he was able to serve his family.
Do you have a dislike for dog hair covering your couches and your floors?
The Australian Cobberdog has a lot of fascinating, unique, and wonderful characteristics. One of the most sought after perks of the Australian Cobberdog is its easy care fleecy coat. This amazing coat does not shed, is very soft, and is hypoallergenic, making the Australian Cobberdog great for families that have allergies to dogs. On top of all these amazing features, this wonderful fleece coat seldom has a bad odor and it sheds dirt and water. After these puppies have a great time playing in the water and mud, as the coat dries, the mud will fall off of the Australian Cobberdog and you would never know that he just had a mud bath!

Another priceless benefit of the Australian Cobberdog coat is that it is so easy to care for! Of course, because it does not shed, your companion will need to be clipped a couple of times a year, and he will need to be groomed once a month or so. As you groom your dog, you will find that your brush will glide through these lush fleece coats.
Ollie is a precious boy that I homed some time ago. He went to a family with two children. The family knew they had the “best and smartest” pup in the world. A family member recently contacted me and told me how special Ollie is. Ollie’s human mom, Martha*, was loosing her mother, and of course it was an extremely difficult time for the family. When people would talk to Martha about getting counseling or therapy, her reply was, “I don’t need that, I have Ollie.” They also told me how much comfort he was to Martha’s sister, Mary*. After they lost their mom, Mary would FaceTime Ollie. When she told Ollie that her mom passed away, Ollie put his head down and empathized with her. Martha and Mary have received an extreme amount of healing love, compassion, and sympathy from Ollie.
About Me

Why would you decide to adopt puppy from me?
I have always loved dogs, and have dreamed of raising puppies. I wanted the puppies I offered to be excellent with toddlers, elderly people, people with special needs, and people with allergies. In addition to my high standards, I wanted puppies that do not shed, would be comfortable in large homes as well as apartments, would be playful, would love to cuddle, and would be exceptionally healthy.
As I researched different breeds, I was not satisfied with the results I was finding. Was I looking for too much from one breed? I didn’t think I was. As I am a perfectionist, I do not stop until I have found what I am looking for and I am satisfied with the results. So I did not stop looking for my ideal breed. Finally, I remembered my friend who offers an unique breed of puppies. I called him, and talked with him about his dogs. To my amazement, the puppies that he raises fit my expectations!! Can you imagine my excitement as I learned about this spectacular breed!!! On top of all of these key features, these dogs need you to thrive, and they have a special way of connecting to your emotions and desires.
The question is: What is this “miracle” breed called? It is the AUSTRALIAN COBBERDOG!!
The Australian Cobberdogs continue to amaze me with their connectivity. It melts my heart when I am approaching them, and they sit and look so deeply into my eyes with anticipation! When I pick them up and they wrap their front legs around my neck as a hug, and gaze into my eyes, there is a DEEP connection between us. I can NOT imagine life with out my Australain Cobberdogs.
We prepare your puppy to transition from our care to your care. We want your puppy to be as prepared as possible for his life with you! From birth, your puppy is given special care, love, and attention. Your puppy will experience travel both in a crate and loose in our vehicles. Your puppy will be introduced to walking on a leash in our yard and in the park. Your puppy will make new friends at the park and in pet friendly stores. Your puppy will be very well socialized! Durning these time of socializing, your puppy will learn acceptable behaviors. We take time to introduce your puppy to brushing, trimming, bathing, and blow drying. This reduces your puppy’s fear when you take him for his first grooming appointment.
In addition to our exceptional love and care, we offer to house and leash train your new family member! During house training your puppy will learn to ring the bell to go out side to do his “business.” Your puppy will be introduced to normal household noises such as the vacuum, clothes washer and dryer, music, etc. Voice commands are another way we train your puppy. We work with your puppy to sit, stay, crate, down, and come. Depending on your enviorment, and how you want your puppy to be trained, we can train your puppy to sleep in a crate by himself, in a crate with another dog, or you can choose to have your puppy trained to cuddle in your bed. We train your puppy to fit your specific desires and environment, as much as we can. This customized training will help your puppy adjust to your life style with ease, and is one more way we feel we can serve you!!
As I work with my exceptional puppies and parent dogs, I treat them with great respect and love. They bring so much laughter, joy, and pleasure into my home, and they deserve the BEST. I am committed to doing everything possible to raise the healthiest puppies I can. All of the parents go through very thorough health screenings to ensure the health and integrity of your new best friend. Personally, I refuse to settle for anything less than the BEST, and why should you? YOU SHOULDN’T!! Reach out to us to fulfill your desires for a new family member!!