Ford- homed
Sex: Male
Check out this loving guy, Ford! He has a wavy parchment coat.
Honey and Willie are the proud parents of a gorgeous litter!! Their puppies have such lush, easy care, soft, fleece coats. There are colors of parchment, cool caramel, and warm caramel, as well as coat types of wavy and curly! These babies will mature to miniature and medium sizes. They are very connective and human oriented. The babies love human contact, and have impeccable personalities! The sky is the limit with these intuitive, easy train guys! The combination of Honey and Willie’s personalities is off the charts!!
“My name is Honey. I met Catie when I was six months old. I am a true lover and best friend. My eyes are beautiful and I love to make eye contact. I will enjoy meeting you in the future when I have my first litter. I am extremely devoted, well behaved, and have a good appetite. I love my daddy and my mommy and lots of toys and treats. My parents tell me that my coat is extremely soft and easy to care for.” Honey weighs about 30 pounds.
Willie is such a lover boy. He is kind, gentle, has amazing connections, is always by my side, and is so adorable!! He is starting his puppy training this week. Everyone loves this guys. I can not wait to see where life leads him. We are planning to do a lot of training with him and see just how much we can teach him!! I think it would be cool to teach him some working tasks. We will see! Willie has matured at 24 pounds. He has a lush, wavy, fleece, easy care coat.
Willie and Honey are proud parents!!! Click here to adopt one of these puppies, or reach out to me at 574-806-5839.